Thursday 21 May 2015

Blog #4- Week 8 Topic

New Media and Old in the Information
Computer is mankind’s most important and vital inventions throughout history. The development of the computer has changed drastically and has enabled the progression of our society (Study Guide 8, 2015).

The increase of computers has dramatically changed the lives of many people. The innovation of computers has gained new qualities, entails simulation, navigation and interaction (Crowley & Heyer 2011). With the increase in computer usage, this also comes with new innovative software that attracts people’s attention even more. The computer can serve for many purposes, it helps individuals to obtain information through internet, and aid for research and even connecting with love ones, friends and family.

The computer comes with internet, which plays a significant role in today’s information age, and this has become extremely powerful in our studies, work life, people’s daily activities and communications. Even though the innovation of computers have positively contributed to our technology standards, our society has to realise that computers can also have negative effects on individual’s identity and social changes.  The social changes is that face to face communication is now becoming less because more people are now using computers to send messages and emails instantly. The changes in technologies are responsible for social changes. 

The computers and the internet have been responsible for many positive impacts and changes that have taken place within our society. The innovation of computer usage has made life easier for people in a wide range of activities that include work place, home and studies.
Janet Abbate (2011) examines one of the more well known of these new worldwide media settings—the Internet. The Internet was mainly used for textual communication, emails and file transfer. However, today the use of computer and Internet is becoming a global community through communication, research and for education technology purposes.

Abbate, J 2011, “Popularizing the Internet”, in D Crowley and P Heyer (eds), Communication in history: technology, culture, society, 6th edn, Pearson, Sydney.
Crowley, D & Heyer, P 2011, Communication in history: technology, culture, society, 6th edn, Pearson, Sydney.
Moodle, study guide module 8. 2015.

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