Thursday 21 May 2015

Blog #4- Week 8 Topic

New Media and Old in the Information
Computer is mankind’s most important and vital inventions throughout history. The development of the computer has changed drastically and has enabled the progression of our society (Study Guide 8, 2015).

The increase of computers has dramatically changed the lives of many people. The innovation of computers has gained new qualities, entails simulation, navigation and interaction (Crowley & Heyer 2011). With the increase in computer usage, this also comes with new innovative software that attracts people’s attention even more. The computer can serve for many purposes, it helps individuals to obtain information through internet, and aid for research and even connecting with love ones, friends and family.

The computer comes with internet, which plays a significant role in today’s information age, and this has become extremely powerful in our studies, work life, people’s daily activities and communications. Even though the innovation of computers have positively contributed to our technology standards, our society has to realise that computers can also have negative effects on individual’s identity and social changes.  The social changes is that face to face communication is now becoming less because more people are now using computers to send messages and emails instantly. The changes in technologies are responsible for social changes. 

The computers and the internet have been responsible for many positive impacts and changes that have taken place within our society. The innovation of computer usage has made life easier for people in a wide range of activities that include work place, home and studies.
Janet Abbate (2011) examines one of the more well known of these new worldwide media settings—the Internet. The Internet was mainly used for textual communication, emails and file transfer. However, today the use of computer and Internet is becoming a global community through communication, research and for education technology purposes.

Abbate, J 2011, “Popularizing the Internet”, in D Crowley and P Heyer (eds), Communication in history: technology, culture, society, 6th edn, Pearson, Sydney.
Crowley, D & Heyer, P 2011, Communication in history: technology, culture, society, 6th edn, Pearson, Sydney.
Moodle, study guide module 8. 2015.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Blog #3- Week 7 Topic

The Evolution of Television

In 1939, the first television broadcasts were transmitted in North America at the height of its golden age had its pre-eminence challenged. However, World War II delayed the widespread development of television and it was not until the 1950s that television would become the new medium mass of communication (Crowley & Heyer 2011). By the early 1950s, there was a rapid increase in sales of televisions sets as “the mass audience that was enamoured with radio in the 1930s adapted with enthusiasm to television” (Crowley & Heyer 2011, p. 220).

The culture of television began to emerge in Western society. In 1950s, television was extremely suited to the family dynamic. Lynn Spigel (2011) explores the social impact that television had on our society in the 1950s in “Making room for TV”. Television programmes that were developed during the 1950s frequently reflected the shift in domestic space the living room became the focus of television set. Reality television is the latest innovation in programming and it is linked with ideas of brand communities and internet (Spigel 2011). In addition, the innovative digital television has changed the nature of viewing demographics. Advertising can now be directed to place communities because those communities can be recognized by the advertising agencies at some level that was possible in previous eras, when advertising was directed to the formless mass also known as “the public”(Study Guide 7, 2015).

Television is also responsible for social changes to our society. The changes is that most people spend too much watching television shows or movies and physical activities, less communication is becoming less. The changes in technologies has been responsible for both positive and impact changes to our society.

Television is now used to bring worldwide news, advertisement, movies and entertainments throughout the world. Watching television has become an integral part of people’s daily lifestyle.

Crowley, D & Heyer, P 2011, Communication in history: technology, culture, society, 6th edn, Pearson, Sydney.

Spigel, L 2011, “Making room for TV”, in D Crowley and P Heyer (eds), Communication in history: technology, culture, society, 6th edn, Pearson, Sydney.

Moodle, study guide module 7. 2015.

Friday 1 May 2015

Blog #2- Week 6 Topic

Radio Days
Before the innovation of television, radio has been the first device to allow for sharing and mass communication, especially to illiterate audiences (Levi Zeleza 2014). The radio was used to broadcast information and news to the local area.

The early implication of radio was that they were; broadcasted in local areas to spread news of great importance to people. The radio also played classical music or orchestra to put interest to the people living in the local areas. “Public radio played important public service roles because their mission was to serve the public interest by providing content that is under produced in commercial media, such as educational programming and local news” (Evans 2015).

As the radio became more popular, each local area had also started developing radios and this is where radio stations have begun. There are different radio stations in local areas and different news and information aired about what was happening in that area. Eventually, the radio has been very powerful device to connect with a wider audience.

Even in our today’s society, radio is still one of the most popular ways to broadcast the news and receive information about our local area news, weather and to be relaxed with music. Radio broadcast can provide real time news and information, broadcasted 24 hours a day in 7 days to provide the most recent updates to the public. Radio stations have the ability to reach across country’s boarders and become a source of news and information where reliable news is limited.

Reference List

Evans, SK 2015, ‘Defining distinctiveness: The connections between organisational identity, competition, and strategy in public radio organisations’, Journal of Business Communication, 52 Issue 1, p.42-67.

Levi Zeleza, M 2014, ‘Catalyzing Sustainable Social Change through Public Communication, Radio for Development, and Participatory Monitoring and ’, Qualitative social Research, Vol.15Issue 3, p.1-10.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Blog #1- Week 1 Topic

Cultural and Social Changes in Communication with focus on Ancient Egypt

Today, the use and impact of modern media technology is essential in everybody’s life (Mannikko, 2014). Without technology, many things would not materialise. However, the immersion of our modern society change the new way of communicating.

The Egyptian’s hieroglyphics is considered as one of the most recognisable forms of ancient writing and communications during the ancient times (Davies, 1990). For the Egyptians, communication was partly different because technology was not invented during the ancient times as we do today. The hieroglyphics were the only forms of communication that Egyptians has and the reason they were so advanced during their times (Crowly & Heyer, 2011). 

The writing form “Hieroglyphics” in ancient Egypt was once believed to be a form of picture writing (Hieroglyphics, 2013). The ancient Greek called hieroglyphics “Sacred Carving” to describe decorative characters carved on Egyptian pyramids, temples and monuments (Hieroglyph, 2014) where it took around 100,000 Egyptians to build it. The pharaoh leaders were in charge would have had to get all those Egyptians to understand and communicate what he was saying so they could work together as one nation. Thus, this is the only way Egyptians could communicate and expressing themselves in artwork during ancient times. The hieroglyphics also developed and helped the creation of luxury items and jewelleries, decorating them with hieroglyphics writing and carving them into piece of art (Budge, 2013).  

Throughout the long history of hieroglyphics, ancient Egyptian symbols were utilised for a range of purposes. Hieroglyphics obviously played a significant role in conveying the ancient history of the Egyptian nation and predominantly the achievement and feats of the Egyptian pharaohs (Ancient Egypt Online, n.d.).

The hieroglyphics allowed the ancient Egyptians to pass the cultural information and messages from old generation to the next (Aaron Dunlop, 2014). As technology became more popular, ancient Egypt witnessed the development of its civilisation. 

Reference List

Aaron Dunlop 2014, How did hieroglyphics develop ancient egypt society?, viewed 23 March 2015,

Ancient Egypt Online, n.d., The history of hieroglyphics, viewed 21 March 2015,

Budge, E. W. 2013, ‘Egyptian language: easy lessons in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Routledge Revivals, pp. 1-12, viewed 23 March 2015,

Crowley, D, & Heyer, P 2011, Communication in history : technology, culture, society, 6th edn, Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson. 

Davies, W. V. 1990, ‘Egyptian hieroglyphs’, Reading the past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet, pp. 75-135, viewed 08 April 2015. 

Hieroglyph 2014, Encyclopaedia britannica, Research Startersviewed 26 March 2015,

Mannikko, NF 2014, Technology in the ancient worldSalem Press Encyclopedia, Research Starters, viewed 26 March 2015,

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2013, Hieroglyphics, viewed 21 March 2015,

Thursday 12 March 2015

Welcome to my Blog!

My weekly post will evaluate the impact of digital communication and information technology on cultures. It will also examine the history of communication and information technologies on a global level and on a local (Australian) level.